Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Reason for the Season

Christmas time can be wonderful if we get to spend some time with our families, away from our homework, and giving and receiving gifts! But are these great things the reason for this holiday?

In the Bible, God tells us that he sent his one and only son, Jesus to the earth as a little baby. You can read the story for yourself by reading Matthew 1:18 until Matthew 2:12. In this story, God teaches us about the miracle of Jesus' birth. He was born so that He could live on the earth as a man and later on, die on the cross to save us from our sins. Because Jesus died on the cross for us, we will be able to spend forever with God in heaven! :)

This holiday season, we want to encourage you to read your bible and talk to God by praying to Him. Take some time to remember and thank God for sending us His son Jesus - this is the true reason for the season!

- XLr8!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

CDs for sale!

You can buy our debut album, XLr8! now at Willingdon Church in the family resource centre!
Remember that you can still buy our album at Pilgrim Book and Bible on Kingsway (in Vancouver) or on itunes by simply searching "XLr8!"

Friday, November 5, 2010

Crazy Carnival Photos

Here are some photos from Crazy Carnival at Science World!

Our booth... we sell cd's, buttons, posters and give away
postcards at all our events!

After our final show, many joined in to do the thriller dance
one more time!

A special thanks to Science World, all those who attended or helped out at this concert, we had so much fun!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Crazy Carnival!

XLr8! will be performing at SCIENCE WORLD this upcoming Saturday (the 23rd) for CRAZY CARNIVAL!
We would love to see you there! Find out how to get your tickets and view photos from last year by clicking the link below:

Friday, October 8, 2010

What are you thankful for?

Wow! It's been a while since we last blogged - but hey, we're just in time for Thanksgiving :)
Have you ever gone around the table with your family and said what you're thankful for? What kinds of things came up?
Maybe you're thankful for friends, food, the nice things you have... it's always nice to remember all the good things that God gives us.
But what if you happen to be arguing with your friends, you don't have much food, or many nice things.... should you still be thankful? What would you be thankful for?
Sometimes we take for granted (we don't stop and notice) some of the simple things in life as a gift from God. If you're healthy today, you have clothing to wear, or you have a place to sleep - these are all simple things that we can be thankful for too. Even when we're having a bad day, God has provided for us many good things!
Take some time today to talk to God - tell Him what you are thankful for!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Back to Uganda

Today Paul and Megan start their return journey back to Uganda. Wow, these past 6 weeks have sure flown by! Please pray for their safety as they travel back to Africa to continue their call from God to be missionaries there.

We will miss you!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mark and Carlyanne's Wedding!

Carlyanne got married this weekend to Mark Pruger and all of XLr8! is so excited for them! If you'd like to send your congratulations, you can email Carly at
Here are some pictures from their special day.

Oh, and you probably recognize this dance - we performed part of "Happily Ever After" during their reception!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Together Again

We hope you had as much fun as we did at our most recent concert! Here are some pictures from the event :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Here we are practicing together for our upcoming show
Join us THIS SATURDAY, August 14th at Northside Church at 7:00pm as we celebrate the summer together! More details can be found at the performance section of our website or you can email us your questions:
We look forward to seeing you soon!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Visit From Africa

Megan and Paul have arrived back in Vancouver!
They have spent the last year in Uganda, Africa serving as missionaries and will be in town for a few weeks before they go back to Africa for another 6 months. As you can tell by the pictures, we're all pretty happy to have them home!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Search for 'XLr8!' on facebook and join our group! Here you can take a look at some more pictures of us, find links to our music, and receive personal invites to upcoming shows!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

C'mon Let's Party!

XLr8! is excited to personally invite you to our upcoming concert called "C'MON LET'S PARTY!"
There will be lots of singing, dancing and silly skits at this family fun night!
We encourage you to bring your friends - all your friends!

Join us on Saturday, August 14th, 7:00-8:30pm at Northside Church
(Northside Church is located at 1477 Lougheed Hwy., Port Coquitlam, BC, V3B 7M6,
We're excited to see you soon!
Carly, Jono, Megan, Jer, Natalie

Monday, July 19, 2010


After being under construction for much too long, our website is up and running again! Check out the changes at

Friday, July 9, 2010

Megan's almost home!

We are SO EXCITED that Megan will be home from Africa in only 22 days! SO EXCITED in fact, that we are going to have a huge concert to celebrate! On Saturday, August 14th, bring your friends to our summer party - more details coming soon!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Upcoming Concert

XLr8! will be performing this Friday, June 18th, at Eagle Ridge Church in Coquitlam at 6:30pm. We will be putting on a concert for kids in grades 1-7. Bring all your friends!
For more information, email
Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Our music is now available for you to download from iTunes! Simply type 'XLr8!' into the search menu on the iTunes store and click on the picture of us. We are so excited to be able to share our music with you!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Our Music is Online

Didn't get a chance to purchase our debut album at one of our concerts? No sweat! Our music is now available online! Simply visit to purchase individual songs or our entire album. Soon our music will also be available on itunes so stay tuned!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Upcoming Event!

We're going to be at Chaffey Burke Elementary school in Burnaby this Friday, May 28th for their FUN FAIR!! Stop on by to play some games, win cool prizes and say "HI!". We'll be there between 5:00-8:00pm selling cd's and performing some of our songs. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Hey! This is Megan, writing from Africa. Yup, I'm still in Uganda. A couple more months to go and then I'll be back in Vancouver for a visit with friends and family!

Right now we have a team of 5 people visiting from home (including my brother and Carly's sister!) They've come to work here in Uganda with us, and they're doing things like painting, visiting orphanages, visiting schools, and giving out gifts. They've decided to sacrifice their time and money to help in a place where help is needed!

But do you have to go to the other side of the world to serve God? NO! Missions trips are a great way to serve God and others, but you can do the same thing in your own neighbourhood, school, sports team, family, etc. Sometimes we forget that when we love Jesus we are supposed to spread that love to others. What are some ways that we can really try to shine God's light? How about spending time with someone from school who doesn't have very many friends...or picking up garbage when you see it on the ground...or remembering to say kind things about others instead of talking behind their backs. There are SO many small ways we can serve God, and those small things can make a big difference.

My challenge for you is to remember that being a missionary doesn't mean living in Africa. It means living for God WHEREVER you are!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Easter is coming up! Our favorite time of year! Why, you ask? There aren't lots of presents, or fireworks in the air, and not because there is lots of chocolate around either.... Easter is our favorite time of year because we remember at Easter time the greatest gift we've EVER been given. Do you know what that gift is??? JESUS!
We celebrate Jesus' birth at Christmas time, but at Easter Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice - he died on a cross, taking the punishment for all of the wrong things that we've done. But that's not the end of the story! 3 days later, Jesus rose again and is alive today!!! Because Jesus conquered death, He has given us the gift of living with Him in heaven forever! All we have to do is admit we need jesus because we sin, believe that he died for us, and choose to follow him and change the way we live to be more like him!

If you have any questions or want to hear more, or just want to say hi! email us at :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Change The World

You've heard our song - 'Just wanna change the world by showing them Your love. Just wanna make a difference by rising up above the things we see around us everyday, changing hearts to make them want to change the world by showing them Your love, Your love."
Hmmm... what does that mean?

We want to encourage you to change the world by showing other people God's love! You can show love to other people by helping them with their homework, playing with someone who's by themselves, or giving a hug to someone who's feeling down. God has ultimately shown us how great His love is by sending His son Jesus to the earth to die in our place. God loves YOU so much He made a sacrifice so that you can be with Him in heaven forever. ISN'T THAT AWESOME!?!?! Since we are loved by God SO MUCH, we can spread that love to change the world!

How are you going to show God's love today?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

2010 Olympic Winter Games!

It’s pretty crazy in our hometown of Vancouver… There are a bunch of people in town for the Olympics. There are fun things to do, lots of people to see, and its pretty sweet just walking around soaking it all in. Our city is in the news!

It makes us wonder, what do people think when they see our city? There were many busy people, making things look good, cleaning things up and making things fancy. Is this really who we are?

We do the same thing in our own lives. We think, “people are watching me, I better make sure I put my best face forward, and don’t screw up.” But the thing is, what actually matters is not what other people think of us, it’s what God thinks of us…

Thoughts? Email us!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hi From Uganda!

Hey! This is Megan. One of the great parts about being in Africa is that we get to see all sorts of exciting animals. We just got back from an amazing safari in Northern Uganda at a park called Murchison Falls, so I thought I'd share my favourite picture with you. This elephant was amazing - and also scary when he started lunging towards the little boat we were sitting in! Male elephants can be quite dangerous when they're alone, so we were glad to get away from this guy as fast as we could!

Isn't God a good creator?!

Monday, January 18, 2010

A FUNtastic Evening :)

Here are some photos from our latest FUNtastic family night at Northside Church!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year, New Shows!

First of all - Happy 2010! Have you made any resolutions for this year? Email us and share your new years resultions!
We have some exciting shows coming up this month! This Saturday is the annual MISSION'S FEST!! It's only 2 days away! We'll be performing for all the kids at 2:00pm this Saturday - come by Broadway Church in Vancouver and celebrate missions with us :)
Also coming up fast is the FUNTASTIC family event at Northside church! Friday, January 15th at 7:00pm at their POCO campus - email us for more details! Better get back to practicing, visit us again soon!!