Friday, October 8, 2010

What are you thankful for?

Wow! It's been a while since we last blogged - but hey, we're just in time for Thanksgiving :)
Have you ever gone around the table with your family and said what you're thankful for? What kinds of things came up?
Maybe you're thankful for friends, food, the nice things you have... it's always nice to remember all the good things that God gives us.
But what if you happen to be arguing with your friends, you don't have much food, or many nice things.... should you still be thankful? What would you be thankful for?
Sometimes we take for granted (we don't stop and notice) some of the simple things in life as a gift from God. If you're healthy today, you have clothing to wear, or you have a place to sleep - these are all simple things that we can be thankful for too. Even when we're having a bad day, God has provided for us many good things!
Take some time today to talk to God - tell Him what you are thankful for!

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