Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Hey! This is Megan, writing from Africa. Yup, I'm still in Uganda. A couple more months to go and then I'll be back in Vancouver for a visit with friends and family!

Right now we have a team of 5 people visiting from home (including my brother and Carly's sister!) They've come to work here in Uganda with us, and they're doing things like painting, visiting orphanages, visiting schools, and giving out gifts. They've decided to sacrifice their time and money to help in a place where help is needed!

But do you have to go to the other side of the world to serve God? NO! Missions trips are a great way to serve God and others, but you can do the same thing in your own neighbourhood, school, sports team, family, etc. Sometimes we forget that when we love Jesus we are supposed to spread that love to others. What are some ways that we can really try to shine God's light? How about spending time with someone from school who doesn't have very many friends...or picking up garbage when you see it on the ground...or remembering to say kind things about others instead of talking behind their backs. There are SO many small ways we can serve God, and those small things can make a big difference.

My challenge for you is to remember that being a missionary doesn't mean living in Africa. It means living for God WHEREVER you are!

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