Tuesday, August 7, 2012

XLr8! DVD Resource

Here are some photos of us making our first DVD! We can't wait to share it with everyone! :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

A look at what's next:

With our upcoming DVD resource, our goal is to equip churches to lead their children's ministries in genuine and authentic worship. 

We recognize that it would be helpful to come alongside churches to bless and encourage the fulfilment of this goal.

In 2013, we will be travelling to a church each month to teach and train the leaders and volunteers of how to engage their kids in relevant, authentic, and Jesus centred worship.

If you are interested in having XLr8! come to your church, or have more questions about what this would look like in your children's ministry department, please email us!

Upcoming DVD Resource!

We are currently in the process of creating a DVD set to complement our debut album! In the early fall, we will have a resource that provides for each song: moving power points, action instructions (a step-by-step) and follow-along actions (real time, with music). 

We look forward to helping more churches lead kids in genuine and authentic worship!

If you have questions about our upcoming DVD resource, please email us: info@xlr8kids.net

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Recently, we travelled as a group to Disneyland to enjoy some time in fellowship with one another in the beautiful sunshine. Here are some highlights from our trip!

We all love Disneyland - it's such a happy place with tons of fun things to do! But do you know what?? One day, we'll get to go to heaven, and heaven is going to be even better than Disneyland!

Heaven will be just as fun, and there will be so many great things to do. And the best part is that we will get to be with Jesus - the one who loves us so much that he died so that we can have life! Heaven will be amazing.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Retooning the Nativity

Check out this super cute video about the story of Jesus' birth!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Introducing Cassie Elaine Churchill-Browne!

On October 21st, right on her due date, Paul and Megan welcomed their beautiful baby girl, Cassie Elaine into the world!

Please continue to pray for Cassie, that she grow to become a loving and obedient woman of God.

Monday, October 3, 2011

5 Years Later

Can you believe that XLr8! ministry has been serving God for 5 years already?! Time sure flies when you're having fun! Here we are at our first ever performance for the fall festival at Willingdon Church back in 2006:

5 years later, we feel so blessed to have performed at various churches, schools, and community events throughout the lower mainland. It's our joy to bring the gospel message to kids and we are continuing to pray for God's direction with our ministry.

5 years brings lots of change - our ministry has already grown from 5 to 10! That's right, we've all gotten married and God has blessed us with faithful spouses whom we serve the Lord alongside.

Please pray for us as we continue this ministry into our next 5 years!